IBD Integrated Resources Portal

IBD transcriptomics studies  in GEO
IDGSETitleOrganismDataGEO IDGPLSamples
1GSE174331Next generation sequencing facilitates quantitative analysis of colonic   tissue from miR-7 deficiency and WT mice with IBD mice, and human colonic   epithelial cells transfected-with NC/miR-7 inhibitor/miR-7 inhibitor plus   Erlotinib following LPS treatmentHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200174331GPL242477 Samples
2GSE235236Bulk RNAseq expression data of colon biopsies from intestinal mucosa of   non-IBD controls and patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200235236GPL2129056 Samples
3GSE228165Responsiveness to vedolizumab therapy in ulcerative colitis is associated   with alterations in immune cell-cell communicationsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200228165GPL2467654 Samples
4GSE230113Protocadherin 20 maintains intestinal barrier function to protect against   Crohn’s disease by targeting ATF6Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200230113GPL1679120 Samples
5GSE234713IBD CosMx NanoString data from colonic mucosaHomo sapiensOther200234713GPL334849 Samples
6GSE214695IBD single cell data from colonic mucosaHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200214695GPL1857318 Samples
7GSE169360Anti-apoptotic genes and non-coding RNAs are potential outcome predictors   for ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200169360GPL1679156 Samples
8GSE231993Selective oxidative protection leads to tissue topological changes   orchestrated by macrophage during ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200231993GPL1857312 Samples
9GSE215068Transcriptome analysis in acute GI GVHD reveals a unique signature in   children and shared biology with pediatric IBDHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200215068GPL2467633 Samples
10GSE227747Transcriptome Profiling of Intact Bowel Wall Reveals that PDE1A and   SEMA3D are Possible Markers with Roles in Enteric Smooth Muscle Apoptosis,   Proliferative Disorders, and Autonomic Nervous Abnormality in Crohn's   Disease.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200227747GPL2079515 Samples
11GSE225199Persistent Inflammation of the Rectum in Perianal-Fisulizing Crohn's   Disease Associates with Goblet Cell FunctionHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200225199GPL2467613 Samples
12GSE197698Transcriptional and functional characterization of human intestinal   organoid and monolayer models for IBD-therapeutic developmentHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200197698GPL24676211 Samples
13GSE203380Geometric engineering of organoid culture for enhanced organogenesis in a   dishHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200203380GPL246765 Samples
14GSE157020TSG-6 supports fistulizing Crohn’s disease by a mechanoregulated   activation of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitionHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200157020GPL1857330 Samples
15GSE221261Aberrant miR-29 is a predictive feature of severe phenotypes in pediatric   Crohn’s diseaseHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing; Expression   profiling by high throughput sequencing200221261GPL1905721 Samples
16GSE220815Colonic mucosa of ulcerative colitis patients treated with biological   agentsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200220815GPL2129012 Samples
17GSE185061Longitudinal Rectal tissue DNA methylation Profiling Identifies   Cell-specific Signatures for Disease severity and Outcome in Ulcerative   ColitisHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200185061GPL21145369 Samples
18GSE174159Identifying new pronostic markers of IBDHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200174159GPL2030139 Samples
19GSE202052Assessing Cellular and Transcriptional diversity of IIeal Mucosa amongst   Treatment Naïve and Treated Crohn’s diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200202052GPL2467627 Samples
20GSE215144Association of RNASET2 Gene Polymorphisms with Decreased Expression and   Clinical Characteristics of Severity in Crohn’s DiseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200215144GPL1857372 Samples
21GSE212849Prediction of Golimumab Response in the PROgECT Phase 2a Open-Label Trial   of Patients With Ulcerative ColitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200212849GPL57084 Samples
22GSE207022Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab treatment in patients with Crohn's   diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200207022GPL13158148 Samples
23GSE66407Gut biopsies from patients with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis   and healthy controlsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200066407GPL19833368 Samples
24GSE183620RNA sequencing of CD11b+ cells isolated from human gut mucosal biopsies   of IBD patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200183620GPL2467658 Samples
25GSE206285Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab treatment in patients with ulcerative   colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200206285GPL13158568 Samples
26GSE208303RNA-seq for inflamed and non-inflamed mucosa in patients with Crohn's   diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200208303GPL1679135 Samples
27GSE184291Single cell analysis of innate lymphoid cells and T lymphocytes in the   small intestinal resection of Crohn’s disease patient versus those of   adjacent non-inflamed tissue.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200184291GPL246762 Samples
28GSE151686Ileal S100A9 expression distinguishes Crohn’s disease patients by age at   diagnosisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200151686GPL2467634 Samples
29GSE164985Single-cell analysis of colonic epithelium reveals unexpected shifts in   cellular composition and molecular phenotype in treatment-naïve adult   Crohn’s diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200164985GPL185737 Samples
30GSE192786Fibrotic signatures in Crohn's disease patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200192786GPL1679140 Samples
31GSE191234IBD HIBEC and HILEC transcriptome compendiumHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200191234GPL1679154 Samples
32GSE165512Characterization of the IL23-IL17 immune axis in IBD patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200165512GPL16791170 Samples
33GSE182424Telomere dysfunction instigates inflammation in inflammatory bowel   diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200182424GPL1857312 Samples
34GSE173642CD127+CD94+ innate lymphoid cells expanded in Crohn’s disease patients   highly express granulysin and perforinHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200173642GPL203016 Samples
35GSE164918Colonic mucosal injury responsesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200164918GPL2467636 Samples
36GSE159751Next Generation Sequencing of Response to Mito-Tempo in Intestinal   Mucosal Biopsies from Crohn's Disease patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200159751GPL1115426 Samples
37GSE183069RNAseq of pedriatic IBD and XIAP-deficient biopsy samplesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200183069GPL1857330 Samples
38GSE182270Ulcerative Colitis is characterized by an intense and plasmablast skewed   humoral response that associates with treatment resistance and disease   complicationsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200182270GPL111549 Samples
39GSE179285Embark cross-sectional study of inactive and active lesions from the   ileum and colon of inflammatory bowel disease patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200179285GPL6480254 Samples
40GSE174460Increased expression of yes-associated protein/YAP and transcriptional   coactivator with PDZ-binding motif/TAZ activates intestinal fibroblasts to   promote intestinal obstruction in Crohn’s diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200174460GPL207954 Samples
41GSE178753Hsa_circ_0001021 regulates intestinal epithelial barrier function via   sponging miR-224-5p in ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array; Non-coding RNA profiling by array200178753GPL3030415 Samples
42GSE176255A combination of circulating microRNA-375-3p, and chemokines CCL-11,   CXCL12, and G-CSF differentiate Crohn’s Disease and Intestinal TuberculosisHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing200176255GPL167919 Samples
43GSE153866Single cell RNA-seq of ileal biopsies from IBD patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200153866GPL185732 Samples
44GSE173294RNA sequencing for endoscopic biopsy tissue samples from controls and   Crohn's disease patients, and organoids derived from these specimens.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200173294GPL1679124 Samples
45GSE171244Relating the transcriptome and microbiome by paired terminal ileal   Crohn's diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200171244GPL1679120 Samples
46GSE150516Common and rare variant prediction and penetrance of IBD in a large,   multi-ethnic, health system-based biobank cohortHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200150516GPL185739 Samples
47GSE161031Precision rescue of SP140 SNP+/+ Crohn's disease patient peripheral blood   mononuclear cells responses to lipopolysaccharide Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200161031GPL2467630 Samples
48GSE160804Integrated analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression profiles   identified S100A9 as a potential biomarker in ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array; Non-coding RNA profiling by array200160804GPL201156 Samples
49GSE152999Induced organoids derived from patients   with ulcerative colitis recapitulate the colitic reactivityHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput   sequencing200152999GPL2467611 Samples
50GSE157026Transcriptomics analysis of mesenteric adipose tissue from Crohn's   disease patients and healthy controlsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200157026GPL2467622 Samples
51GSE156044Transcriptomics analysis of mesenteric adipose tissue from Crohn's   disease patients and healthy controls [RNA-seq]Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200156044GPL246768 Samples
52GSE141553Colonic Crohn's left and right colonHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200141553GPL185732 Samples
53GSE137680Gene expression analysis of PBMC's from IBD subjects stimulated by   combinations of LPS, MDP, anti-CD3/anti-CD28 antibodies, and anti-IL10R   antibodies.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200137680GPL17586886 Samples
54GSE125527Single-Cell Analyses Elucidate the Cellular and Molecular Landscape of   Ulcerative ColitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing; Other200125527GPL24676103 Samples
55GSE83448Genome-wide transcriptional analysis in intestinal biopsies from Crohn's   disease (CD) patients.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200083448GPL1813453 Samples
56GSE130038Elevated colonic mucin expression correlates with extended time to   surgery for ulcerative colitis patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200130038GPL1679126 Samples
57GSE103027Epigenomic alterations are associated with mucosal microbiota and   inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseaseHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200103027GPL13534100 Samples
58GSE128682Transcriptional signatures that define Ulcerative Colitis in remissionHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200128682GPL2169744 Samples
59GSE143507RNA sequencing data of peripheral blood isolated from Korean patients   with Crohn's disease.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200143507GPL16791101 Samples
60GSE121380Mucosal Profiling of Pediatric-Onset Colitis and IBD Reveals Common   Pathogenics and Therapeutic PathwaysHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200121380GPL2079513 Samples
61GSE126124Concordance between gene expression in peripheral whole blood and colonic   tissue in children with inflammatory bowel disease.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200126124GPL6244176 Samples
62GSE133061Gene and miRNA expression data from a cohort of Chilean Ulcerative   Colitis human intestinal samplesHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array; Expression profiling by array200133061GPL1911732 Samples
63GSE133060Gene expression data from a cohort of Chilean Ulcerative Colitis human   intestinal samplesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200133060GPL413316 Samples
64GSE133059miRNA expression data from a cohort of Chilean Ulcerative Colitis human   intestinal samplesHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array200133059GPL1911716 Samples
65GSE134809Single-cell analysis of Crohn’s disease lesions identifies a pathogenic   cellular module associated with resistance to anti-TNF therapyHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200134809GPL1857331 Samples
66GSE134881Single-cell analysis of Crohn’s disease lesions identifies a pathogenic   cellular module associated with resistance to anti-TNF therapyHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200134881GPL11154199 Samples
67GSE135905Genetic influences on DNA methylation (mQTL) in pediatric Crohn's disease   patientsHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200135905GPL2114541 Samples
68GSE134025Ulcerative colitis gene expressions fileHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200134025GPL201156 Samples
69GSE112366Intestinal epithelial microvilli are abnormal in Crohn's diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200112366GPL13158388 Samples
70GSE102134Mucosal miRNA and gene expression profiling in ileum of patients with   Crohn's diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array; Non-coding RNA profiling by array200102134GPL14613120 Samples
71GSE102133Mucosal gene expression profiling in ileum of patients with Crohn's   diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200102133GPL624477 Samples
72GSE102127Mucosal miRNA expression profiling in ileum of patients with Crohn's   diseaseHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array200102127GPL1461343 Samples
73GSE95095Differential Gene Expression between involved and uninvolved sites of   Crohn’s disease: Insights into a Distinctive Pathogenesis ProfileHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200095095GPL1495160 Samples
74GSE115390Differences in tissue immune cell populations following hematopoietic   stem cell transplantation in Crohn’s disease patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200115390GPL2030180 Samples
75GSE92415Characterization of molecular response to Golimumab in Ulcerative Colitis   by mucosal biopsy mRNA expression profiling: results from PURSUIT-SC   induction studyHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200092415GPL13158183 Samples
76GSE87473Gene expression profiling of mucosal biopsies from pediatric or adult   patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200087473GPL13158127 Samples
77GSE87466Gene expression profiling of mucosal biopsies from adult patients with   moderately to severely active ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200087466GPL13158108 Samples
78GSE87465Gene expression profiling of mucosal biopsies from pediatric patients   with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200087465GPL1315819 Samples
79GSE114603A systems biology approach identifies ANP32E and other biomarkers of   glucocorticoid refractoriness in ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing; Non-coding RNA   profiling by high throughput sequencing200114603GPL1545676 Samples
80GSE114591A systems biology approach identifies ANP32E and other biomarkers of   glucocorticoid refractoriness in ulcerative colitis [miRNA-Seq]Homo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing200114591GPL1545638 Samples
81GSE114527A systems biology approach identifies ANP32E and other biomarkers of   glucocorticoid refractoriness in ulcerative colitis [microarray]Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200114527GPL1495138 Samples
82GSE105074Elevation in cell cycle and protein metabolism gene transcription in   inactive colonic tissue from Icelandic patients with ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200105074GPL1055857 Samples
83GSE117875Transcriptomic profile of intestinal epithelial cells obtained from ileal   endoscopic biopsies from newly-diagnosed, pediatric Crohn's disease patients   and healthy controls.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200117875GPL1679113 Samples
84GSE101819Colonic miR-31 is a molecular stratifier and prognostic determinant of   Crohn’s diseaseHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing200101819GPL16791264 Samples
85GSE101817Association between colonic level of microRNA 31 and subtypes of adult   and pediatric Crohn's disease [pediatric]Homo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing200101817GPL16791234 Samples
86GSE101816Colonic miR-31 is a molecular stratifier and prognostic determinant of   Crohn’s disease [adult]Homo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing200101816GPL1679130 Samples
87GSE90607Fibrostenotic phenotype of fibroblasts in Crohn's disease is dependent on   tissue stiffness and reversed by LOX inhibitionHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200090607GPL1055824 Samples
88GSE102746Transcriptome-analysis of patient-derived normal and ulcerative colitis   intestinal epithelial organoidsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200102746GPL1679120 Samples
89GSE113015Dynamics of genome alterations in Crohn’s disease associated colorectal   carcinogenesisHomo sapiensGenome variation profiling by array200113015GPL1015073 Samples
90GSE112057Whole Blood Transcriptome Profiling in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and   Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200112057GPL11154202 Samples
91GSE111761Differential expression of IBD susceptibility and IL23R associated   pathway genes during ongoing anti-TNF therapy (anti-TNF non-responder vs   anti-TNF responder)Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200111761GPL134976 Samples
92GSE110186NOD2- and disease-specific gene expression profiles of peripheral blood   mononuclear cells from Crohn’s disease patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200110186GPL2315924 Samples
93GSE94648Expression data from peripheral whole blood of non-IBD controls, CD and   UC patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200094648GPL1910997 Samples
94GSE75459Plasma Long Noncoding RNA and mRNA Expression Profile of Crohn’s Disease   identified by MicroarrayHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array; Non-coding RNA profiling by array200075459GPL169566 Samples
95GSE90102Genome-wide association study of abnormal Paneth cell phenotype in   Japanese patients with Crohn's diseaseHomo sapiensGenome variation profiling by SNP array200090102GPL2269798 Samples
96GSE74265Gene expression signature and mitochondrial DNA copy number variation in   ulcerative colitis patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200074265GPL57030 Samples
97GSE100833A functional genomics predictive network model identifies regulators of   inflammatory bowel disease: Microarray Analysis of Human Blood and Intestinal   Biopsy Samples from a Phase 2b, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of   Ustekinumab in Crohn's DiseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200100833GPL131581717 Samples

98GSE84779MicroRNAs Expression in the Ileal Pouch of   Patients with Ulcerative Colitis is Robustly Up-Regulated and Correlates with   Disease phenotypesHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput   sequencing200084779GPL1679161 Samples
99GSE85499Molecular classification of Crohn’s disease reveals two clinically   relevant subtypesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing; Genome   binding/occupancy profiling by high throughput sequencing200085499GPL1679153 Samples
100GSE89667Novel MicroRNA Signature to Differentiate Ulcerative Colitis from Crohn   Disease: A Genome-Wide Study Using Next Generation SequencingHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by high throughput sequencing200089667GPL1679137 Samples
101GSE75916Expression data of epithelial organoid cultures generated from intestinal   mucosa of non-IBD controls and patients with ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200075916GPL2065036 Samples
102GSE73661The effect of vedolizumab (anti-α4β7-integrin) therapy on colonic mucosal   gene expression in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC)Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200073661GPL6244178 Samples
103GSE81961Peripheral Blood Methylation Profiling of Female Crohn’s Disease PatientsHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200081961GPL1630440 Samples
105GSE81266Ileal pouch transcriptomics reveal shared pathogenesis between pouchitis   and ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200081266GPL1679177 Samples
106GSE68570Transportome profiling identifies profound alterations in Crohn’s disease   partially restored by commensal bacteriaHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200068570GPL1055811 Samples
107GSE67250Integration of genome-wide DNA methylome and transcriptome of human   intestinal fibroblasts reveals novel candidate gene signatures in Crohn’s   disease-associated fibrosisHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by high throughput sequencing; Expression profiling   by high throughput sequencing200067250GPL1679112 Samples
108GSE64801Common inflammatory pathways between NEC and Crohn's diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200064801GPL1115414 Samples
109GSE72780Intestinal epithelial cells from Crohn's Disease patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200072780GPL5709 Samples
110GSE72819Gene expression of baseline biopsies from etrolizumab-treated ulcerative   colitis (UC) patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200072819GPL1115473 Samples
111GSE62207Ileal immune maturation in Pediatric Crohn's DiseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200062207GPL11154310 Samples
112GSE69762Gene expression of human small intestine generated by biopsy specimensHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200069762GPL624430 Samples
113GSE68306miR-193a-3p is a key tumor-suppressor in ulcerative colitis-associated   colon cancer and promotes carcinogenesis through regulation of IL17RD.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array; Other200068306GPL2011145 Samples
114GSE66824Genomic and Clinical Effects Associated with a Relaxation Response   Mind-Body Intervention in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and   Inflammatory Bowel DiseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200066824GPL1315866 Samples
115GSE66545Gene expression analysis in mesenteric arteries and veins in Crohn's   disease compared to controls from nonIBD samplesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200066545GPL648026 Samples
116GSE48959Mucosal expression profiling in (un)inflamed colon of patients with   ulcerative colitis (UC)Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array; Non-coding RNA profiling by array200048959GPL624448 Samples
117GSE48958Mucosal gene expression profiling in (un)inflamed colon of patients with   ulcerative colitis (UC)Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200048958GPL624421 Samples
118GSE48957Mucosal miRNA expression profiling in (un)inflamed colon of patients with   ulcerative colitis (UC)Homo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array200048957GPL1461327 Samples
119GSE43009miRNA data in colon mucosa samples from individuals with ulcerative   colitis and normal controlsHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array200043009GPL1638410 Samples
120GSE42921DNA methylation in a validation cohort of colon mucosa samples from   individuals with Crohns' disease or ulcerative colitis and normal controlsHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200042921GPL1353423 Samples
121GSE53867MicroRNA expression in human colon: Crohn's disease versus ulcerative   colitisHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array200053867GPL141495 Samples
122GSE47908Transcriptional analysis of left-sided colitis, pancolitis and ulcerative   colitis-associated dysplasiaHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200047908GPL57060 Samples
123GSE53306Differential Gene Expression between Active and Quiescent Stages of   Ulcerative Colitis: Insights into a Distinctive Pathogenesis ProfileHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200053306GPL1495140 Samples
124GSE48634Mucosal transcriptomics implicates under expression of FAM5C in the   pathogenesis of ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200048634GPL10558171 Samples
125GSE57945Core Ileal Transcriptome in Pediatric Crohn DiseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by high throughput sequencing200057945GPL11154322 Samples
126GSE44275Analysis of whole-genome copy-number variation in Crohn's disease fistula   tissueHomo sapiensGenome variation profiling by high throughput sequencing200044275GPL101238 Samples
127GSE46451Effects of Inflammation and 5-ASA on ex vivo cultured ulcerative colitis   biopsiesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200046451GPL1055812 Samples
128GSE32146DNA methylation in a discovery cohort of colon mucosa samples from   individuals with Crohns' disease or ulcerative colitis and normal controlsHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200032146GPL1353425 Samples
129GSE46754Gene expression analysis of omental and mesenteric adipose tissue in   Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200046754GPL69478 Samples
130GSE32149DNA methylation in Crohns' disease and ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200032149GPL1353473 Samples
131GSE27899Methylation profiling in Ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by array; Methylation profiling by genome tiling   array200027899GPL849040 Samples
132GSE37283Gene Expression Changes in Non-Dysplastic Mucosa from Patients with   Ulcerative Colitis Harboring Remote Neoplastic LesionsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200037283GPL1315820 Samples
133GSE32148DNA methylation in peripheral blood from individuals with Crohns' disease   or ulcerative colitis and normal controlsHomo sapiensMethylation profiling by genome tiling array200032148GPL1353448 Samples
134GSE20941Mediators in Crohn’s disease influence the gene expression profiles of   mesenchymal progenitor cells differentiated into the osteoblastic lineage.Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200020941GPL413312 Samples
135GSE32273Genome-wide maps of circulating miRNA biomarkers for Ulcerative ColitisHomo sapiensNon-coding RNA profiling by array200032273GPL8786132 Samples
136GSE22619Genome wide expression data from discordant twins (ulcerative colitis,   primary mucosal tissue)Homo sapiensExpression profiling by array200022619GDS451920 Samples
137GDS4519Monozygotic twin pairs discordant for ulcerative colitis: intestinal   biopsiesHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array,
                                     transformed count,
                                    2   disease state, 10 individual sets
4519GPL57020 Samples
138GSE15975Analysis of Gene Expression changes in human intestinal   endothelial-to-mesenchymal transitionHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200015975GPL61048 Samples
139GSE15934Analysis of Gene Expression changes in human intestinal   endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition - TRANSFORMED GROUPHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200015934GPL61044 Samples
140GSE15933Analysis of Gene Expression changes in human intestinal   endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition - UNTREATED/CONTROL GROUPHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200015933GPL61044 Samples
141GSE26305Genome-wide gene expression analysis for target genes to differentiate   patients with intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn’s diseaseHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200026305GPL68846 Samples
142GSE25510Gene expression patterns of biopsies from colonoscopies taken in 2007,   2008, and 2009 of an ulcerative colitis patient infected with Trichuris   trichiuraHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200025510GPL562138 Samples
143GSE25277Gene expression patterns of biopsies from a colonoscopy taken in 2009 of   an ulcerative colitis patient infected with Trichuris trichiuraHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200025277GPL562112 Samples
144GSE25276Gene expression patterns of biopsies from a colonoscopy taken in 2008 of   an ulcerative colitis patient infected with Trichuris trichiuraHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200025276GPL562112 Samples
145GSE25275Gene expression patterns of biopsies from a colonoscopy taken in 2007 of   an ulcerative colitis patient infected with Trichuris trichiuraHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200025275GPL562114 Samples
146GSE24287Differential early pathogenic changes in human ileal gene expression in   Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200024287GPL648099 Samples

147GSE21231Gene expression changes associated with   resistance to intravenous corticosteroid therapy in children with severe   ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200021231GDS427040 Samples
148GDS4270Intravenous corticosteroid therapy effect on children with severe   ulcerative colitis: peripheral bloodHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array,
4270GPL624440 Samples
149GSE14580Mucosal gene signatures to predict response to infliximab in patients   with ulcerative colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200014580GPL57030 Samples
150GSE11223Colon biopsies from UC patients and healthy controlsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200011223GDS3268202 Samples
151GDS3268Colon epithelial biopsies of ulcerative colitis patientsHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array,
3268GPL1708202 Samples
152GSE3629Molecular Marker for predicting development of cancer in ulcerative   colitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200003629GPL570121 Samples
153GSE3801Gene Expression Profiling of Ulcerative ColitisHomo sapiensExpression profiling by array200003801GPL13522 Samples

IBD GEO  transcriptomics.xlsx