ID | Study | Disease | Study context | Omics type | Volunteers | Nation | Control/ non-IBD ? | PMID |
1 | Lloyd-Price et al., 2019 | CD, UC | Identification of multi-omic signatures associated with IBD patients | Faecal metabolomics | 132 | USA | Yes | 31142855 |
2 | Borren et al., 2020 | CD, UC | Prediction of biomarkers associated with disease relapse | Faecal metabolomics | 164 | USA | No | 32766830 |
3 | Suskind et al., 2020 | CD | Investigating the effect of different diets on disease symptoms and inflammatory burden | Faecal metabolomics | 18 | USA | No | 33291229 |
4 | Nusbaum et al., 2018 | UC | Influence of FMT on gut microbial and metabolic activity in paediatric UC patients | Faecal metabolomics | 7 | USA | No | 30010747 |
5 | Metwaly et al., 2020 | CD | Integrative analysis of metabolic and microbial profiles in CD | Faecal metabolomics | 29 | Germany | No | 32859898 |
6 | Franzosa et al., 2019 | CD, UC | Investigation of microbiome and metabolic activity in IBD | Faecal metabolomics | 220 | USA | Yes | 30531976 |
7 | Lee JWJ et al., 2021 | CD, UC | Multi-omics reveal microbial determinants impacting responses to biologic therapies in inflammatory bowel disease | Blood metabolomics | 185 | USA | No | 34297922 |
8 | Xiaomin Yuan et al., 2022 | UC | Depression and anxiety in patients with active ulcerative colitis: crosstalk of gut microbiota, metabolomics and proteomics | Blood metabolomics | 240 | China | Yes | 34806521 |
9 | Mills RH et al., 2022 | UC | To understand how host-microbiota interactions become disrupted in UC | Faecal metabolomics | 250 | USA | Yes | 35087228 |
10 | Frau A et al., 2022 | CD, UC | Inter-kingdom relationships in Crohn's disease explored using a multi-omics approach | Faecal metabolomics | 104 | UK | Yes | 34241567 |
11 | Bushman FD et al., 2022 | CD, UC | Multi-omic Analysis of the Interaction between Clostridioides difficile Infection and Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Faecal metabolomics | 97 | USA | Yes | 32822584 |
12 | Taylor H et al., 2022 | CD | To identify changes in the microbiota, metabolome and protease activity associated with mucosal healing in established paediatric CD | Faecal metabolomics | 25 | UK | No | 32929796 |
13 | Ghiboub M et al., 2022 | CD | Metabolome Changes With Diet-Induced Remission in Pediatric Crohn's Disease | Faecal metabolomics | 74 | Netherlands | No | 35679949 |
14 | Weng YJ et al.,2019 | CD, UC | Correlation of diet, microbiota and metabolite networks in inflammatory bowel disease | Faecal metabolomics | 113 | China | Yes | 31240835 |
15 | Hu J et al., 2022 | CD | Correlation between altered gut microbiota and elevated inflammation markers in patients with Crohn's disease | Faecal short- chain fatty acids | 182 | China | Yes | 36045690 |
16 | Cheng S et al., 2021 | CD, UC | Altered gut microbiome in FUT2 loss-of-function mutants in support of personalized medicine for inflammatory bowel diseases | Faecal short-chain fatty acids | 81 | China | No | 34419617 |
17 | Wang Y et al., 2021 | CD | Microbial and metabolic features associated with outcome of infliximab therapy in pediatric Crohn's disease | Faecal metabolomics | 49 | China | Yes | 33430702 |
18 | Liu H et al., 2022 | CD | Untargeted serum metabolomics reveals specific metabolite abnormalities in patients with Crohn's disease | Blood metabolomics | 266 | China | Yes | 36160171 |
19 | Tian Z et al., 2022 | CD | Dietary inflammatory potential mediated gut microbiota and metabolite alterations in Crohn's disease: A fire-new perspective | Faecal and Blood metabolomics | 130 | China | Yes | 35504169 |
20 | Ijaz UZ et al., 2022 | CD | The distinct features of microbial 'dysbiosis' of Crohn's disease do not occur to the same extent in their unaffected, genetically-linked kindred | Faecal short-chain fatty acids | 50 | UK | Yes | 28222161 |
21 | Gonzalez CG, et al.,2022 | CD, UC | Location-specific signatures of Crohn's disease at a multi-omics scale | Faecal metabolomics | 182 | USA | Yes | 35999575 |
22 | Cox SR et al., 2020 | CD | Effects of Low FODMAP Diet on Symptoms, Fecal Microbiome, and Markers of Inflammation in Patients With Quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a Randomized Trial | Faecal short- chain fatty acids | 52 | UK | No | 31586453 |
23 | Borren NZ et al., 2021 | CD, UC | Alterations in Fecal Microbiomes and Serum Metabolomes of Fatigued Patients With Quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | Blood metabolomics | 166 | USA | No | 32184182 |
24 | Verburgt CM et al., 2022 | CD
| Successful Dietary Therapy in Paediatric Crohn's Disease is Associated with Shifts in Bacterial Dysbiosis and Inflammatory Metabotype Towards Healthy Controls | Faecal Short chain fatty acids and bile acids | 80 | Netherlands | Yes | 36106847 |